i [heart] HOV's

So remember this?

When the Mountain Man was still slaving away at a desk job, we drove into town together a good bit, but those days ended in April and I've been taking a hit to the wallet ever since, not to mention feeling like a guilty SOV driver.

I couldn't convince my neighbor to carpool with me (although he and his wife now carpool, so that's ok), so I added my name to my agency's RideShare database, found a carpool match and hallelujah, I'm back in the world of the HOV! Even better, I actually walked out to the end of our road to meet my ride. How's that for multi-modalism?

Which brings me to the next part of this, which is that Google Maps not only offers driving directions and transit guidance in some places, but now walking directions too! This is so great for traveling or just figuring out mileage and travel time if you're thinking about walking.
All of which will be very useful to me when I can use it on...my new iPhone!!! Yep, I ordered one on Wednesday and am trying not to count the days until my "direct fulfillment" order (AT&T-speak for "we ran out of 'em") comes in.

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