Crackle Photography

Hey folks! We had some photos taken of Ford (and a few of us) when he was almost two weeks old and the photographer, Crackle Bingham just posted a couple of our favorites.  You can go check them out here on her blog. We can't wait to pick up our prints and display them alongside our other treasured B&W family photos.  Thanks, Crackle!

In other news from babytown, Ford has had two bottles this week and did just wonderfully! He may have done fine with any style bottle, but I'm going to sing the praises of the Adiri Natural Nurser anyway.  Supposedly the shape, firmness and venting mechanism at the bottom make it as close to the real thing as you can get.

On the flipside, he also has refused thus far to sleep or hang out anywhere other than beside us, on us (in a Bjorn or Ergo) or in our arms.  Swings and bouncy chairs only buy us 5 minutes of hands-free time.  Maybe the swing will grow on him? It's certainly interesting to sit here with him in the front-carrier, swaying back and forth as I type!

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