i [heart] ben stein

When I was in college, Ben Stein came to speak. He talked about the economy. And his TV show. I can't even remember what else, but then he took questions and some guy in the audience stood up and said, "Thank you, sir, but could we get a Bueller?" And we got one. It was awesome.

So anyway, he wrote an "Everybody's Business" column in the NYT called "Lessons in Love By Way of Economics" on Sunday (true, I'm not entirely current here), but it's so good. Not rocket science, but thoroughly entertaining to have junk bonds compared to junk relationships.

Also of NYT note, it seems that as Americans went through a period of calling les frites Freedom Fries, so are Parisians embracing their love of that all-American staple, the hamburger, but they're Frenchifying it with things like cornichons and stinky cheese. I can't stop wondering if they sound like Steve Martin's Inspecteur Clouseau when they order....

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