Family Biking Adventures

Piney River Trail

Ironically, we have been biking more here than we ever did in Missoula, which is way more bike-friendly than most anywhere in Virginia. Some combination of warmer weather and Ford finally reaching an age where we can really take him along for the ride without a major meltdown. Or that's my working theory.


The MM is suddenly so taken with mountain biking that he's abandoned climbing for the summer to train for the Shenandoah 100. Being a supportive wife, I am (dubiously) letting him spend many, many hours training. Apparently it's all worth it because race day is really fun for everyone?

Piney River Trail

Anyway. Last weekend we drove over to Nelson County to check out the Piney River Trail. It's a Rails to Trails project, 6.7 miles long, flat and follows (you guessed it!) the Piney River.  As an out-and-back it was the perfect family bike outing.  We hustled on the return leg to have lunch at Devil's Backbone Brewery, but I think next time we'll pack a picnic lunch and our bathing suits and stop at one of several very inviting swimming holes along the way. Highly recommend it.

Piney River Trail
Piney River Trail
Piney River Trail
Piney River Trail
Ford was pretty over the helmet by the end.


LG said...

The comment about the helmet is hilarious.

mountain biking blog said...

Mountain Biking is a great activity that can be enjoyed by all the family.

mountain biking blog

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