Mail Order Goodness

I think one of the first items that I ever ordered from J.Crew about 16 years ago involved me filling out the little sheet that used to come in the center of the catalog, tucking in a hand-written check (paid for with some hard-earned babysitting cash) and literally mailing in my order.  Remember that?!? So anyway these two items aren't really mail order since I ordered them over the interwebs, but they arrived in the mail this week and were the sartorial bright spots in another week notable only for the continued lack of sleep and lingering head cold symptoms. 

On that note, we are going to transition Ford to his crib in his room this weekend.  For a few months there he was sleeping like a cherubic little rock star in his co-sleeper beside me, waking once to nurse and making it until 7am.  Then 4 months old hit and I think he figured out that it's way nicer to snuggle with his mama and snack all night long.  Needless to say, this has not been working out so well for me and he sleeps more fitfully too.  According to Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, we can let him cry for up to an hour without going to him at this stage (5 months on Sunday), so it's time to pull the plug on co-sleeping.  If I don't get 4-5 consecutive hours of sleep soon, they're going take away my license.  Or they should. 

Anyway, new clothes:

Emersonmade tweed jacket. Beautifully structured, yet really soft and comfy.  Love, love.

J.Crew wildcat cardigan. From my little bro for Christmas.  I gave him a sweater too, so that was fun while J. Crew had that big sweater sale last week. Wore it with my black Minnie pants and a black shirt yesterday and felt very Audrey. 'Cept my ankles were cold.

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