You're So [pause] Far Away

May 31st

That's how I felt, at least, when I pulled up in the driveway and it promptly began raining sideways. Without a raincoat, I decided to wait it out, but it kept pouring. And pouring. So I called the boyfriend, who was just inside the cottage, and asked him to run me out a rain coat. With this I safely made it in the door, but my leather sandals are pretty waterlogged. And great chunks of oak tree keep crashing to the ground in the yard outside. As long as they don't hit my brand new windshield...

June 1st

June 2nd

Dogs, much like children do things that their owners/parents think are so damn cute and amazing, even if it's pretty...mundane, unexceptional. And that's basically the point of this video. I think my dog is exceptionally beautiful, intelligent, entertaining. Everyone else, with the exception of Steven and my parents, are probably tired of hearing about her. So now you get to watch her in action, heh heh.

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