364 Days of Phenology

During my year at Teton Science School, I kept a phenology journal. Phenology is the study of natural phenomena over time, and as part of my project I took photos and collected artifacts along the path that Isabel and I walked each day in Kelly, Wyoming.

While I know that the "1 photo a day" experiment isn't a new one in the blogosphere, I have decided to give it a try in the name of a slightly altered phenology project. I see this as a way to watch the seasons change at Locust Grove Farm and develop a little creative discipline. But it's already January 3rd, you say! Lucky for us that 2008 is a leap year, so while I have missed the first two days of the year, I at least get a 1-day bonus.

Wish me luck. Or give me a hard time when I forget to update photos : )

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