But on this morning before we take off for Virginia to introduce Ford to all his family on my side, I thought I'd share my list of the baby items that we've found indispensable thus far:
1. Aiden and Anais Swaddling Blankets. These were fabulous for swaddling Ford up tight for the first two months while it was still hot. They're lightweight muslin and have also worked perfectly to shade him from the sun in the car and when out on walks in the carrier.
2. Fisher Price Cradle n' Swing. Ford fought this one a bit at first, but has come to love the snuggly seat and side to side motion + music (which is now deeply ingrained in our brains too, ugh). He takes his long morning nap in this swing and it's a fun place for him to sit while I play with him and read books.
3. Baby Animals--Black and White. It's amazing how interested small infants are in bold black and white images. He stares at these drawings of a lamb, zebra, calf, puppy, kitten, etc so intently. It's very cute.
5. BabySoy Footed Pants and Footies Generally. Because matching socks and keeping track of them is too complicated.
In other non-related news, I was behind this guy yesterday on West Broadway. Stay classy, Missoula.
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