Road Warriors


We've put a lot of miles on the Jetta lately, traveling around Montana and soon all the way to Mount Rainier and the Seattle area for the long weekend. Between travel and house guests, it has been a whirlwind of a first summer in Montana. I'm sure we'll miss the warm weather and good company soon enough, but I'm looking forward to a few more weekends 'round these here parts come fall.

Our trip to Livingston this past weekend was so lovely. Breathtaking country to explore and no particular agenda, no phones ringing or TV, just letting the day lead us where it wanted to. We must have spent at least an hour catching HUGE grasshoppers and chucking them into a little pond to watch the trout rise. I had no idea I'd find this so entertaining : )


The dogs didn't want to leave! Wouldn't they love their own 1500 acres on which to run free (wouldn't we all?!)


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