i [heart] Nau

As you know, I've blogged about the clothing company Nau at least a few times and even feature their blog on my list of favorites, so it is with a heavy heart today that I announce that they're closing up shop. Apparently our currently risk-averse economic climate was just not hospitable enough for this visionary company.

I loved everything about Nau; their sleek website, attention to detail and urbane design aethetic for functional outdoor clothing. I loved getting to choose which non-profit would receive the 5% of sales that Nau would donate for me.

I am also a bargain shopping fool and snapped up the slim dark rinse jeans over which I've been pining for several months now. The entire line is 50% off. Go do your consumer duty and help them unload their inventory at something less than a total loss.

I hope the designers and minds behind this start-up find the heart to try it again in more optimistic times. We need more optimists these days.

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